As some countries begin to open up, returning to work, Google is rolling out Transit alerts to Maps to help people avoid crowds. The feature displays when public transportation is likely to be more or less busy. There is an additional alert for drivers to see updates on their route. Google helps passengers avoid busy times, and keep up social distancing amid the pandemic. To get started one just searches for a station in Google Maps to see the departure board and busyness data, where available. Unfortunately, this feature is not here in the 254.

One of Kenya's government directives is that all public vehicles to carry half of their passengers. As one drives by major roads into town, there is already a growing crowd of people at the stage, during peak hours waiting for public transportation. The new feature from Google would be helpful to reduce crowds since this violates the social distance rule. Not to mention increasing covid-19 positive cases will place a strain in an already overwhelmed health care system. What intervention measures are we placing now? How do we foresee the collaboration between the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Transport?